Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Birthday Blues

Hey Birthday,

You better read this. O.K! Yeah! Yeah! I know you don’t like me. You ain’t the only one! Anyways you better read this. We both know ‘this’- I mean our relationship- was an accident, right? You’d have probably fled the calendar had you a hint of the nuisance I was to become. And, for the record, I didn’t intentionally bring this notoriety onto you. It was way beyond my control!

Now! Just so that you know, I don’t like you neither! For me, you are worse than, let’s say, a dry day! You’re like an unwelcome guest; you’re a sad reminder of another wasted year in my uneventful life. What’s worse is I know for certain that you’re sandwiched between two such!

You used to be fun man! You meant pocket money raise, graduation to senior team, new clothes and a bunch of other cool things. And, now you mean having to spend a day in a new stiff dhoti and having to wake up at hours I didn’t know existed - just so that my mother could pray for the impossible! Man! A mother’s hope sure has no bounds!

Now, I won’t further waste your precious time. This is the deal. Since our dislike is mutual, let’s make a pact. I’ll delete your name from all my records -wherever possible- and social networking sites sparing you the humiliation. In return you’d delay your arrival every year. So, do we have a deal? I certainly hope so and that we don’t meet for a long time,

Yours hatingly